

  • Successful later-stage playtests with overwhelmingly positive responses to the visual style
  • Managed different gameplays and interactions for each level, with different camera interactions + split screens
  • Animated the scenes for more immersive game environment


  • The “Take Up Space” scene does not work as intended; there were too many elements within this.
  • Still some confusion about gameplay and timing of scenes
  • Need smoother pacing throughout

Lessons Learned:

  • Creating this style was far more time consuming than expected: we could have focused on perfecting one mini game before working to create a series of them
  • Need to have a clearer split of tasks at the beginning of the project; currently, everyone was doing a bit of everything so there was some redundant work. This was ironed out over time.

Next Steps:

  • Refining game rules
  • Refining overall gameplay and gameflow 
  • Clarifying where players are playing together and where they compete against each other
  • Fixing “Take Up Space” scene

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