Development, Playtests, Revisions

Playtest 1:

  • I originally had Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text functionalities in this game, so that you could directly speak to the clones and they would answer in my voice, instead of having to type. However, this functionality broke and when it did work it would freeze the whole game. Players advised me I could remove this feature and have the game be just as compelling.
  • The NPC was too hard to find. Players would spend a long time roaming each valley before they found the NPC clone. Since the entire point of the game is the NPC conversations, these should be easily and readily accessible. 
  • From my professor = refine the UI and add a video of yourself as the clone at the beginning of the game as a proof of concept for what speech will look like at a later date. 


  • Made it easier to find the NPC, always placing them close to the player in a new scene so they could easily run to them, discuss and move on.
  • Refined the UI and added video just after Start Menu. 

Playtest 2:

  • Some of the text returned from ChatGPT just cuts off before you get the full response
  • NPC keeps talking once the conversation has ended 
  • Right now the characters all speak about the Uncanny Valley and are vague. Their personalities shine through, and there is a creepy feeling throughout the game, which is good. It would be cool though if the NPCs divulged information about *you* that they have stored from the data collected about you. 


  • Trying to fix the GPT truncated messages bug
  • Goal for a later revision to this game is to have the characters respond about me specifically and pulling lines from tracked data. Currently, this was too heavy for the NPCs to integrate with the GPT scripts I wrote, leading them to hallucinate. 

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