A downloadable game

Please leave a comment if you want to play the game. Am not posting publicly for privacy reasons. 

In this game, a clone of myself navigates through several Uncanny Valleys where other clones of myself reside. Each of these clones has been trained on a different set of my personal data, from Apple Health, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and Google. The levels are designed to match the vibe and brand colors of each of these companies. 

The clones all have different personalities based on the conclusions an LLM made about me when I fed it my personal data as collected by these different sites. They are linked to ChatGPT so that each interaction a player has with them is unique.

Two mirrors hang in each scene: one closer to the spawn point of the player, the other close to the NPC. In other words, one for reflecting on who you are as you enter the scene, the other for reflecting on who you've become as you leave it. 

In training this game, I have exceeded my maximum token limit from OpenAI. Therefore, some of the answers received in the NPC Dialogue are clipped. Sometimes just asking "what do you mean?" or something similar can get a full response. 

Sound effects are open-source and sourced from freesound.org. 










Portals are from the Unity Asset Store but materials and shaders have been changed: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/the-portal-collect... 

Gems:  https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/stylized-crystal-77275

Terrain Sample Asset Pack: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/landscapes/terrain-sample-...

Terrain in video scene: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/landscapes/grassy-valley-t...

Lava: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/lava-flowing-shader-33635

Textures in Instagram scene: https://lowlypoly.com/products/free-stylized-textures

Running + jump animations from: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-thirdperson-upda...

Game trailer music = https://freesound.org/people/pakasit21/sounds/132925/

Development log


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This project is truly imaginative, with the concept of people communicating with clone AI in the game, which is something I would have hardly thought of. I really appreciate how you deeply contemplate the underlying principles and stories with each game you develop, making your games very captivating. I also adore the use of mirrors in the game for transitioning scenes, shifting from one world to another. This kind of interaction is absolutely brilliant.

You have a really cool approach of combining AI/chatGPT and the idea of talking to the clones of yourself. I especially love your concept of devide each level by different "parts/sides" of you on different platforms as they are now important parts of our daily life, but feel like there could be more hint indicating about the apps cuz otherwise I would not know without your explaination.

This archetype is really great! It's not very playable, but it's really thought provoking. I love your material design within the valley of inaccessibility, it's beautiful and coincides with your zhu ti. The sound effects section is also wonderful, the player can easily understand what you are trying to convey through the sound effects.

In terms of this project I think you've done enough, but if thinking about the difference between these platforms, something other than textures could be added. For example, in the valley of the insgram you can go all the way down and collect heart symbols. Give the player some roadblocks or simple quests to enhance their experience in the valley.

A really interesting and unique approach to this project. The depth of research you have put into this also shows! I like the fact you made them actual "valleys" and that each reflect visually the different companies. I think it would be great to see the worlds expanded more. Maybe some more areas to explore and find different NPCs. These could lead to some sort of challenge/task. Overall such a cool experience!  

Super cool game idea, I can't imagine how long it may have taken you. I'm not too familiar with how openAI works with unity, etc, so I'm not sure if this is even doable, but it would be cool if you were able to make the voice of the NPC be your voice like how it was when you open the game (Though I imagine you would have to record yourself and create a massive word bank amongst all the other things that you would have to do). 

I think including more into the scenes would be beneficial as well, but I really like what you have done so far. It's super unique.

The use of mirrors strategically placed in each scene adds a clever touch, inviting players to reflect on their identity. It's a brilliant metaphor for the impact of data-driven technology on personal identity. The limitation in NPC dialogue due to token constraints adds an intriguing challenge, turning simple inquiries into a quest for understanding. It's a clever twist that aligns with the theme of navigating the complexities of digital footprints.

I think this idea is really cool, and I got a real sense from the gameplay footage how creepy it could be. It raises a lot of interesting ideas and almost feels like the premise to a black mirror episode. I'm not sure if this suggestion is do-able, but I think the ultimate vision of this could be to make it so everyone who plays it can go through some sort of consent process that would allow them to have their own avatar created and their own data analyzed and brought into the game. It would definitely provoke a lot of discourse and force players to come face to face with their own consumerism and how these large tech companies shape our lives. Anyway very cool idea, I hope you get to expand upon it!

This is an interesting commentary on how our data, hosted on different databases can construct different but similar visages of us depending on what we do in those sites. I would imagine that these reflections serve as an insight into the fact that we're giving away so much information to these different companies, and the content we give them also differs as well.

I'm not sure what to recommend here for improvement since I'm not too familiar with using API's to get tokens for OpenAI and stuff. I would say that if there is such a method where you can contain a way for the game to fetch the needed databases to have the generated dialogue to work on its own, then I think it would help to fix the problem of this game only working on certain devices.

Interesting game though, and I like the environments you chose to represent each company.